SimpleDemos Namespace |
Class | Description | |
ARCloudAnchor_Example | A simple demo showcasing how Cloud Anchors can be spawned | |
ARMeshFromPlane_Example |
A demo showcasing how to use the SendARPlaneAsMesh functionality with AR Plane surface detection to create mesh surfaces
or platforms of the same vertices.
This demo allows AR users to tap on scanned AR Planes to instantiate a mesh of the same vertices, position, and rotation.
Users can toggle the visibility of AR Planes for visual clarity.
Video Example:
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ARObjectSync_Example |
A demo showcasing ASL's sync of object positions in AR according to a specified world origin across various devices/platforms, including PC.
Reference points are included in the form of a cube and sphere on the plane to verify that created objects are synced.
This demo allows both PC and AR users to create objects on a pre-existing plane. Information is displayed to the user via text
and informs the user if they hit an object.
Video Example:
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ARRaycast_Example |
A demo showcasing how to use two types of raycasts in AR. A standard physics raycast can be used normally in AR
as long as it is provided with the touch position. A Pose ASL raycast receives the Pose of any object the raycast hits.
This demo allows AR users to raycast on objects within an AR space, as well as allowing a secondary PC user to spectate and select ASL objects.
At least one AR user must be present when using this demo, as the PC user cannot create/view AR planes and thus cannot create spheres. Additionally,
for simplicity, the PC user cannot move or rotate, however, these values can be changed if running within the Unity editor.
Users switch between two modes, Select mode or Create mode. In Create mode, AR users can create spheres (ASL objects) on scanned AR planes.
In Select mode, AR users can select AR planes as well as spheres, and PC users can select created spheres. Information is displayed to the user via text
and informs the user of the object they have hit, or if the raycast hit the UI, or did not hit any object.
Video Example:
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ARWorldOriginExampleController |
A demo showcasing how to use the SetWorldOrigin parameter when creating a cloud anchor to synchronize AR origins.
This demo allows AR users to create a world origin for the AR space, then create cloud anchors and spheres on AR planes.
AR users can move the most recently created sphere to any position using the textboxes as input and pressing "Submit".
This example will not work with a PC user, as the AR World Origin is created after the initial PC setup.
Video Example:
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ColorObject_Example | Example of how to color an object | |
CreateAutonomousObject_Example |
An example of how to use create an ASL_AutonomousObject. Press 'Space Bar' to instantiate an ASL_AutomousObject.
In order to instatiate an ASL_AutonomousObject, you must pass a reference to the object's prefab, as a GameObject
to ASL_AutonomousObjectHandler.Instance.InstatiateAutonomousObject(). The prefab MUST be loacated in Resources.MyPrefabs
| |
CreateObject_Example | A simple demo showcasing different ways you can spawn an ASL object | |
DeleteObject_Example | Example of how to delete an object | |
Demo_ChangeColorOnCollision |
An example of how to use ASL_ObjectCollider OnCollisionExit. DO NOT USE. ASL_ObjectCollider does not suuport
Unity physics, use ASL_ObjectCollider.OnTriggerExit.
| |
Demo_CollideCreateSphere |
An example of how to use ASL_ObjectCollider OnCollisionEnter. DO NOT USE. ASL_ObjectCollider does not suuport
Unity physics, use ASL_ObjectCollider.OnTriggerEnter.
| |
Demo_CollisionTests |
An example of how ASL_ObjectColliders interact with Unity Colliders. To set up an ASL_ObjectCollider, assign
a delegate function to the appropreate function within the ASL_ObjectCollider, ie. ASL_OnTriggerEnter, ASL_OnTriggerExit,
ASL_OnTriggerStay. Note, ASL_ObjectCollider does not support physcis based Unity collisions between non Kinematic Rigidbodies.
| |
Demo_OnTriggerEnterColor |
An example of how to use ASL_ObjectCollider OnTriggerEnter. Pass a delegate function to
ASL_ObjectCollider.ASL_OnTriggerEnter(). This function will be called when the objcet collides
with another ASLObject.
| |
Demo_OnTriggerExitColor |
An example of how to use ASL_ObjectCollider OnTriggerExit. Pass a delegate function to
ASL_ObjectCollider.ASL_OnTriggerExit(). This function will be called when the objcet collides
with another ASLObject.
| |
Demo_OnTriggerStayCountDown |
An example of how to use ASL_ObjectCollider OnTriggerStay. Pass a delegate function to
ASL_ObjectCollider.ASL_OnTriggerStay(). This function will be called when the objcet collides
with another ASLObject.
| |
LoadScene_Example | Example of how to change scenes for all users | |
ObjectToClaim_Example |
Example of how to claim an object. Every object must be claimed if you want what you are attempting to do to be seen by
other players
| |
Send2DTexture_Example |
Used to demonstrate how a Texture2D can be sent to other users. While the Texture being sent technically already exists,
there is nothing preventing the texture to be sent from being dynamically created or modified and then sent. It was
just easier to sent up this way than to create something dynamically.
| |
SendFloatArray_Example |
An example of how to use SendFloatArray. While you can only send 4 values at a time, if you need your object to 5+ different
values, at different times, you can do this via a switch/case, like this example shows. If you are using 4 of less values
Then there is no need to use the switch example, but instead to just assign your values as you need them.
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SetCallback_Example | Example of how to set a OpFunction callback | |
SetTag_Example | Example of how to set an ASL Object's tag for all users | |
SliderController |
Controls the ASLSlidersWithEcho objects in your scene. Usually you want to attach this script to your canvas object
and then manually assign each slider to it via the editor.
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TransformObjectViaLocalSpace_Example |
Example of how to perform the various Transforms (position, rotation, scale) on an object via local space.
As well as some examples of what to do for additive style movement
| |
TransformObjectViaWorldSpace_Example |
Example of how to perform the various Transforms (position, rotation, scale) on an object via world space.
As well as some examples of what to do for additive style movement
| |
VideoStream_Example |
A simple VideoStream demo in which the mobile user can toggle the stream with a button, and the Desktop user
can view the stream.
Enumeration | Description | |
CreateObject_Example.ObjectToCreate |
Different objects you can create in this tutorial. Not all variations are listed here.
See documentation for all variations
| |
TransformObjectViaLocalSpace_Example.RotationAxis |
The rotation axis to be used when rotating our object. All of these values are generated by their respective positions in m_RotateToAmount and m_AdditiveRotateAmount
The custom option uses all 4 (x, y, z and w) to create the rotation axis
| |
TransformObjectViaWorldSpace_Example.RotationAxis |
The rotation axis to be used when rotating our object. All of these values are generated by their respective positions in m_RotateToAmount and m_AdditiveRotateAmount
The custom option uses all 4 (x, y, z and w) to create the rotation axis