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ASLHelperInstantiateASLObject Method (String, Vector3, Quaternion, String, String)

Create an ASL Object - make sure the prefab you are using to create this ASLObject with does NOT already have an ASL script attached to it and that it exists on all user's devices (that it can be found on all devices)

Namespace:  ASL
Assembly:  Assembly-CSharp (in Assembly-CSharp.dll) Version:
public static void InstantiateASLObject(
	string _prefabName,
	Vector3 _position,
	Quaternion _rotation,
	string _parentID,
	string _componentAssemblyQualifiedName


Type: SystemString
The name of the prefab to be instantiated. Make sure your prefab is located in the Resources/MyPrefabs folder so it can be found
Type: Vector3
The position where the object will be instantiated
Type: Quaternion
The rotation orientation of the object to be instantiated
Type: SystemString
The id or name of the parent object for this instantiated object
Type: SystemString
The full name of the component to be added to this object upon creation. When you use a Unity component, things are slightly different. For example, to add a Rigidbody component, you would enter this: "UnityEngine.Rigidbody,UnityEngine" In this case, the pattern is still the namespace + component, but then it is followed with by ",UnityEngine". If you need UnityEditor, try that after the comma
void SomeFunction()
    //Using just the name space and the class name should be enough for _componentAssemblyQualifiedName. For more info, go here
    ASL.ASLHelper.InstantiateASLObject(PrimitiveType.Cube, new Vector3(0, 0, 0), Quaternion.identity, gameobject.GetComponent<ASL.ASLObject>().m_Id, "MyNamespace.MyComponent"); 

    //Note: If you need to add more than 1 component to an object, use the AddComponent ASL function after this object is created via an after creation function
    //To do so, you will need to use the instantiatedGameObjectClassName and InstantiatedGameObjectFunctionName parameters as well. 
    //See those instantiation overload options for more details
See Also