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GameLiftManagerOpCode Enumeration

Can be any positive number, but must be matched with the OpCodes in the RealTime script.

Namespace:  ASL
Assembly:  Assembly-CSharp (in Assembly-CSharp.dll) Version:
public enum OpCode
  Member nameValueDescription
PlayerLoggedIn0Packet identifier that indicates a player has logged in
PlayerJoinedMatch1Packet identifier that indicates a player has joined the match
AddPlayerToLobbyUI2Packet identifier that indicates a packet that contains the information to add a player to a lobby
PlayerDisconnected3Packet identifier that indicates a packet that contains the information on which player disconnected
AllPlayersReady4Packet identifier that indicates a packet that contains the information that all players are ready to launch the first scene
PlayerDisconnectedBeforeMatchStart5Packet identifier that indicates a packet that contains the information that a player has disconnected before the match began
PlayerReady6Packet identifier that indicates a packet that contains the information that a player is ready
LaunchScene7Packet identifier that indicates a packet that contains the information to launch a scene
LoadScene8Packet code for changing the scene
ServerSetId9Packet code for creating an id for an object on the server
ReleaseClaimToServer10Packet code to release a claim back to the server
Claim11Packet code representing a claim
RejectClaim12Packet code informing a player their claim was rejected
ReleaseClaimToPlayer13Packet code informing player who has a claim on an object to release to another player
ClaimFromPlayer14Packet code informing a player who claimed an object from another player that they have it now
SetObjectColor15Packet code for setting an object's color
DeleteObject16Packet code for deleting an object
SetLocalPosition17Packet code representing data that will set the local position of an ASL object
IncrementLocalPosition18Packet code representing data that will add to the local position of an ASL object
SetLocalRotation19Packet code representing data that will set the local rotation of an ASL object
IncrementLocalRotation20Packet code representing data that will add to the local rotation of an ASL object
SetLocalScale21Packet code representing data that will set the local scale of an ASL object
IncrementLocalScale22Packet code representing data that will add to the local scale of an ASL object
SetWorldPosition23Packet code representing data that will set the world position of an ASL object
IncrementWorldPosition24Packet code representing data that will add to the world position of an ASL object
SetWorldRotation25Packet code representing data that will set the world rotation of an ASL object
IncrementWorldRotation26Packet code representing data that will add to the world rotation of an ASL object
SetWorldScale27Packet code representing data that will set the world scale of an ASL object
IncrementWorldScale28Packet code representing data that will add to the world scale of an ASL object
SpawnPrefab29Packet code for spawning a prefab
SpawnPrimitive30Packet code for spawning a primitive object
SendFloats31Packet code informing a player float(s) were sent
SendTexture2D32Packet code representing data that will be used to recreate a Texture2D as pieces of it come in
ResolveAnchorId33Packet code representing data that will be used to resolve a cloud anchor
ResolvedCloudAnchor34Packet code representing data that will be used to inform the relay server that this user has completed resolving a cloud anchor and will be received as a flag indicating that all users have resolved this cloud anchor
AnchorIDUpdate35Packet code for updating the AR anchor point
LobbyTextMessage36Packet code for sending text messages to other users
AndroidKeepConnectionAlive37Used to help keep the Android socket connection alive
TagUpdate38Packet code for sending object tags
SendARPlaneAsMesh39Packet code representing data that will be used to recreate a Mesh
See Also
